Beautiful Sparrow and Humans
A sparrow with a nest near the human population.
There was a beautiful sparrow that had a nest near the garden of a pious man. The sparrow has an eye-catching, glittering blue color.
When her mother flew to get some food for the little sparrow, the sparrow fell with her nest making mischief. The garden’s pious owner came, and the sparrow started shaking with fear because her mother told her that humans are the most dreadful creature. The holy man loved the sparrow and made her comfortable with him. And set its nest again on the top of the tree.
After that venture, the little sparrow thinks that her mother may misunderstand humans. Then over time, the pious older man and little sparrow became friends.
Not after much time the older man died. The sparrow also became a little mature sparrow with the same theory that humans are not as bad as our creatures hate them.
One day sparrow was flying around when she sees a man who was throwing grain. The sparrow goes down to eat some of the grain. The man was surprised that the beautiful sparrow wasn’t afraid of him.
The man came closer to the sparrow and lovingly touched her. Sparrow still wasn’t afraid of him. Suddenly, a man caught the sparrow tightly ‘you can’t satisfy my hunger. Still, one bite is better than nothing.
At that point, sparrow remembers his mother’s advice about humans. But now, she could do nothing.
Mountains look the same sometimes. But you climb on them; you sometimes felt that the little mountain is more challenging to climb than the previous high mountain.
Every time your journey starts with new hurdles with new kinds of experiences to get. If you once find a pious one in life, never expect every time you find the same. And if you see evil in the start, never think that your experience will remain with evil ones. But, judge them and never expect anything from anyone.